Groen Coaching - career and executive coaching
Groen Coaching richt zich op kandidaten in de ‘Mid Career’ fase, rond de 40-50+ en onderscheidt zich door de combinatie van zakelijkheid en gevoel.
Frédérique Groen-Dudok de Wit, Search|Coaching, Executive search, Coach, Coaching, Loopbaan- en ontwikkelingscoach, Carriere, Baan, Technology, Industrie, Entertainment, FMCG, Professional Services, Commercieel, Eindverantwoordelijk
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Groen Coaching

Career coaching

As an experienced coach specializing in executive coaching and career coaching in the Dutch market, my approach is informed by over 25 years of experience in the job market as a headhunter. This background has granted me a deep understanding of the demands placed on professionals and the diverse cultures within different companies.

I understand the importance of having work that aligns with your authentic self. To truly know what you want, it’s necessary to understand your true nature or identity. When you know yourself, you can make choices that suit you. Determining what you genuinely think and feel requires self-reflection. During my coaching process, clients discover what makes them unique and what they want to achieve.”

My career coaching services are designed to support individuals who are looking to make career transitions, whether voluntary or involuntary. I have developed a comprehensive program that combines coaching with practical tools to help clients identify their professional direction and take proactive steps towards achieving their goals.

Executive coaching

In addition to working with individual clients, I also collaborate with companies to provide coaching services to employees who are seeking guidance and support in their professional journeys. I understand the unique challenges and dynamics within corporate environments, and I offer tailored coaching solutions to address specific needs and foster growth and development among employees.

Executive Search

The key to success is to let people do what they are naturally good at! An organisation can only achieve goals if people not only do their job well but also feel comfortable in the corporate culture.

My strength is the combination of experience, knowledge of different market sectors and fun in the job! For over 25 years, I have been active in filling various assignments in different market segments. My approach is pragmatic, creative and fast. I have a positive attitude and do not give up. My aim is to get the best out of myself with the goal of a satisfied client and/or candidate!

The cooperation with my clients is open, transparent but also critical.